Character: Nicole Schweikert, Stage Magician (125 points) 

This is a pregen character for the 1980s GURPS Horror adventures listed on the roadmap. This GURPS-O-SCOPIC character sheet is designed to be given to a new player in one of the listed adventures: You shouldn’t need any prep. There are some additional notes about this set of overall characters if you are interested.


  • Nicole’s central conflict is that she works as a stage magician (meaning, she has no magical powers — she is a performer and illusionist). This usually means being on stage or a wandering street magician at a tatty carnival or down-at-heels amusement park, but she does not like children. That means she takes the whole thing somewhat half-heartedly.
  • Her criminal past is not specified but I imagine she stole things.
  • The kind of stage magic she is good at is sleight of hand, juggling, knife throwing, and escape, but this could be modified.
  • Nicole can keep a ranged opponent busy by throwing her signature gear: fine silver small throwing knives and hungamungas. (Note that in many settings silver is effective against vampires! This is GURPS Horror, after all.)
  • Her cloak tricks are mainly for style, but could prove effective in combat. Note the cloak allows defensive blocking.
  • Nicole’s best move when in danger may be talking her way out of it with Fast Talk 16, but she also has a bag of tricks and illusions that a creative player might enjoy.

IMAGE CODA: Generated by DALL-E 3.

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