Character: Hector Bruna, TV Engineer (125 points)

This is a pregen character for the 1980s GURPS Horror adventures listed on the roadmap. This GURPS-O-SCOPIC character sheet is designed to be given to a new player in one of the listed adventures: You shouldn’t need any prep. There are some additional notes about this set of overall characters if you are interested.


  • This character concept is a MacGyver scoped only to electronics and computers who has crippling social disabilities. Sort of a MacGyver + Nerd stereotype.
  • This character uses the powerful Quick Gadgeteer (Solder and Duct Tape, -50%) [25] + Gizmos 3 [15] combo rules for instant inventions — a formidable ability!
  • The “Solder and Duct Tape” limitation on Gadgeteering is from GURPS Action 1 p. 19 and restricts the ability to electrical and electronics, excluding computers. The ability is further restricted to repairs and modifications, rather than outright invention.
  • If the rules surrounding the Clueless [-10], Loner [-5] and Shyness (Severe) [-10], and Oblivious [-5] aspects of the character are enforced, this is a significant obstacle to this character performing well in a group of adventurers, so it might not be the best pregen for someone who is not expecting that — or the GM might not want to enforce those rules. However, it might be the perfect pregen for an actually-shy player who doesn’t want to talk. Just a thought.

IMAGE CODA: Generated by DALL-E 3.

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